Prayer Group Feedback - People who attend the prayer group and comments about why they attend.

In this broken world we live in what a great hope we come home with from the St. Therese meetings. Peaceful song and prayer and a wonderful exciting talk from Marty that’s related to everyday living. He makes St. Therese come alive – shows us how her life was similar to ours even her problems. The talks of saints, popes, The Eucharist and prayer relates our faith and St. Theresa’s Little Way to our lives. The night is filled with inspiration, hope, charity, and love. My blood pressure comes down and I have met many lovely people there and they’re beautiful, faith-filled stories. God bless Marty and Nancy for their spiritual work!! D.

The Saint Theresa prayer group brings many benefits to all the attendees. It deepens our dependence on Saint Therese and demystifies some of her mysterious ways. The Prayer Meetings are beneficial to all who gather. Marty and Nancy make the meetings simple, enjoyable, and informative. But yet all the while remembering that Saint Therese is always the focus of each and every meeting. Coming together as a group and opening our hearts to God and Saint Therese during the prayer meeting reaffirms the fact that prayer is not complicated and will always bring us closer to her. The Saint Theresa prayer group meetings demonstrates the power of God as he brings us together in prayer thru the intercessions of St. Therese. One of the greatest benefits of group prayer is the sense of support you feel by surrounding yourself with people of your faith. All coming together in humble adulation in her honor and knowing that thru her intercessions we can receive not only blessings but comfort in times of doubt or sorrow. H.

I’m convinced Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus is one of the greatest Saints in modern times. She is so prompt in answering prayer requests. She seems to make herself available in all situations. Her little way of spiritual childhood is genius. I’m so very impressed that she said she would spend her heaven doing good on earth, how generous. St. Theresa is simply amazing. She’s one of my favorite Saints. I always thank the Lord for Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, The Little Flower. R.












July 8, 2024

St. Thérèse and Living The Simple Life. 


June 10, 2024

St. Thérèse and Judging Others. 


May 2024

St. Thérèse and Will I See My Loved Ones In Heaven? 


April 2024

St. Thérèse and Her Spirituality. Guest Speaker - Fr. Alex Barbieto


March 11, 2024

St. Thérèse and Charity.


February 2024

St. Thérèse and When The Saints Choose You. 


January 8, 2024

St. Thérèse and The Meaning of All Things Work Together For Our Good. 


December 11, 2023

St. Thérèse and The Hope of Christmas.


November 13, 2023

St. Thérèse and How To Deal With Difficult People.


October 9, 2023

St. Thérèse and The Serenity Prayer.


October 2, 2023

St. Theresa Feast Day.


September 11, 2023

St. Thérèse and More on Christian Hope.


August 14, 2023

Why Do People Love St. Thérèse?


July 10, 2023

St. Thérèse and St. Benedict. 


June 12, 2023

St. Thérèse and Healing Broken Hearts.


May 8, 2023

St. Thérèse and The Importance of Family.


March 13, 2023

St. Thérèse and What Does It Mean to "Offer It Up". 


February 13, 2023

St. Thérèse and How Can I Know God's Plan for My Life? 


January 2023



December 12, 2022

St. Thérèse and The Real Meaning of Christmas. 


November 14, 2022

St. Thérèse and Miracles Reported During WWI. (18th Anniv. of Group) 


October 10, 2022

St. Thérèse, and All Things Work Together For Good. 


September 12, 2022

St. Thérèse and The Missionary Dimension of The Christian Life. 


August 8, 2022

Making Friends with St. Thérèse. 


July 11, 2022

St. Thérèse and Divine Friendship. 


June 13, 2022

St. Thérèse and Finding Inner Joy. 


May 9, 2022

St. Thérèse and Casting Your Cares On Jesus. 


April 11, 2022

St. Therésè and Hope.


March 14, 2022

St. Therésè and Lent.


February 14, 2022

St. Therésè and Dealing With Anger. 


January 10, 2022




December 13, 2021

St. Thérèse and Christmas. 


November 8, 2021

St. Thérèse and God's Love For Us. 


October 11, 2021

St. Thérèse, A Powerful Intercessor. 


September 13, 2021

Remembering St. Thérèse. 


August 9, 2021

St. Thérèse and Moving On.


July 12, 2021

St. Thérèse and Everything is Grace. 


June 14, 2021

St. Thérèse and Forgiving Ourselves and Others. 


May 10, 2021

St. Thérèse and 8 Lessons from Sts. Louis and Zelie Martin on Raising Kids. 


April 12, 2021

St. Thérèse and The Resurrection. 


March 8, 2021

St. Thérèse and The True Meaning of The Cross. 


February 8, 2021

St. Thérèse and The Power of Intercessory Prayer. 


January 11, 2021

St. Thérèse, The Most Dangerous of Saints? 



December 2020

A Cup of Christmas Tea with St. Thérèse. 


November 9, 2020

St. Thérèse and When God's Timing is Taking Too Long.


October 12, 2020

St. Thérèse and Giving Our Cares and Stresses to God.


September 14, 2020

St. Thérèse and Making Time for God. 


August 10, 2020

St. Thérèse and Finding Peace at Times of Grief and Uncertainty.


July 13, 2020

St. Thérèse and What Does it Really Mean to "Offer Up" Our Difficulties and Trials.


June 8, 2020

St. Thérèse and Finding Peace In An Upsetting World.


May 11, 2020

St. Thérèse and Comfort In Grieving.


April 13, 2020

St. Thérèse and Hope Filled Prayer in a Time of Crisis.


March 9, 2020

St. Thérèse and Becoming Closer to God in The Family.


February 10, 2020

St. Thérèse and God's Unfailing Love for Us. 


January 13, 2020

St. Thérèse and The Various Ways She Helps Us. 


December 9, 2019

St. Thérèse and The Joy of Giving.  


November 11, 2019

St. Thérèse: Joy is Not the Same as Inner Peace.


October 14, 2019

St. Thérèse and Confession.  


September 9, 2019

St. Thérèse, Our Guide in Sorrow. 


August 12, 2019

St. Thérèse and Judging Others. 


July 8, 2019

St. Thérèse and Dealing With Your "Enemies." 


June 10, 2019

St. Thérèse on Death and Bereavement. 


May 13, 2019

St Thérèse and Standing Up for The Faith.  


April 8, 2019 

St. Thérèse and How We Can Become A Saint. 


March 11, 2019

St. Thérèse and Lenten Sacrifices. 


February 11, 2019 

St. Thérèse and Holy Communion. 


January 14, 2019

St. Thérèse and Family Life. 



December 10, 2018

St. Thérèse and Hope.


November 12, 2018

St. Thérèse: Through The Eyes of Those Who Knew Her.


October 8, 2018

St. Thérèse and Praying for Priests.  


September 10, 2018

St. Thérèse and Miracles.


August 13, 2018

St. Thérèse and Dealing With Difficult People.


July 9, 2018

St. Thérèse and The Meaning of Grace.


June 11, 2018 

St. Thérèse and The Meaning of Roses.


May 14, 2018

St. Thérèse, Mirror of the Blessed Virgin.


April 10, 2018

St. Thérèse and Spreading the Gospel. 


March 12, 2018 

St. Thérèse and The Little Way Through Lent. 


February 13, 2018 

St. Thérèse and Serenity.  


January 8, 2018

St. Thérèse and Forgiving Ourself.



December 11, 2017

St. Thérèse and Rejoicing.


November 13, 2017

St. Thérèse and Patience.


October 9, 2017

St. Thérèse and Miracles.


September 11, 2017

St. Thérèse and Using Our Time, Talent, and Treasure.


August 14, 2017

St. Thérèse and Finding God's Plan for Each of Us.


July 10, 2017

St. Thérèse, Prayer and Unanswered Prayer 


June 12, 2017

St. Thérèse and Praying For Lost Souls.  


May 8, 2017

St. Thérèse and New Hope For Spring. 


April 10, 2017

St. Thérèse and Dorothy Day. 


March 13, 2017

St. Thérèse and Why People Love Her.


January 1, 2017

St. Thérèse and Grace.


December 12, 2016

St. Thérèse and the True Meaning of Christmas.


November 14, 2016

St. Thérèse and the Secret of Happiness.


October 10, 2016

St. Thérèse and Dealing with Negativity.


September 12, 2016

St. Thérèse and Unanswered Prayer.


August 8, 2016

St. Thérèse and Trust in God.


July 11, 2016

St. Thérèse and Overcoming Darkness in Our Lives.


June 13, 2016

St. Thérèse and Consoling Jesus.


May 9, 2016

St. Thérèse and Love for Our Blessed Mother.


March 14, 2016

St. Thérèse and Avoiding Sin.


February 8, 2016

St. Thérèse and Handling Difficult People. 


January 11, 2016

St. Thérèse and Forgiving Ourselves and Others. 



December 14, 2015

St. Thérèse and Doing Small Things with Great Love.


November 9, 2015

St. Thérèse and the Little Way - What that means for us in 2015


October 12, 2015

St. Thérèse and Her Parents.


July 13, 2015

St. Thérèse and Positive Thinking.


June 8, 2015

St. Thérèse and Discerning God's Will.


May 11, 2015

St. Thérèse and Not Mistaking Kindness for Weakness.  


April 13, 2015  

St. Thérèse and How to Endure Trials.


February 9, 2015



January 12, 2015

St. Thérèse and Living in the Present Moment.



May 12, 2014

St. Thérèse and How to Hear God Speaking to You.


June 9, 2014

St. Thérèse and The Spirituality of Imperfection.


July 14, 2014

St. Thérèse and Hope.


August 11, 2014

St. Thérèse and Growing from a Life of Suffering.


September 8, 2014

St. Thérèse and Persistence in Prayer.


October 13, 2014

St. Thérèse and Positive Thinking.


November 10, 2014



December 8, 2014

St. Thérèse and the True Meaning of Christmas.





Beefsteak Dinner to benefit the Holy Face Monastery

April 9, 2016

RELICS OF ST. THERESE & HER PARENTS at the Church of the Immaculate Conception - Montclair, NJ

Click here to view/download pdf.

Friday, October 23rd (10am - 9pm) & Saturday, October 24th (8am-10am)

FEAST OF ST. THERESA - Click here for word doc

FEAST OF ST. THERESA - Click here for pdf